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Media Studies

Qualification - GCSE

Media Studies is all about understanding the world around you. To fully understand the influence it has, you will study texts from the worlds of television, film, the print media, advertising and popular music and respond to them critically, before using your knowledge to create your own media products.

  • Component 1: Exploring the Media
  • This explores different aspects of the print media. Taking in texts such as: magazines, marketing (film posters), newspapers, or print advertisements.
  • Component 2: Understanding Media Forms and Products
  • This unit focuses on both the wider context of the music and television industries as well as looking at the theories that explain many of their features.
  • Component 3: Creating Media Products
  • This unit gives the students the opportunity to create a media product which will reflect their knowledge and understanding.

Skills Required

To be successful you need to:

  • have a reasonable standard of written English.
  • have an interest in the world of media; and also, a willingness to work hard throughout the whole course.

Assessment Method

Component 1: Exploring the Media

Written examination:1 hour 30 minutes
40% of qualification

Component 2: Understanding Media Forms and Products

Written examination:1 hour 30 minutes
30% of qualification

Component 3: Creating Media Products

Non-exam assessment
30% of qualification

Post 16 Opportunities and careers

Successful completion of GCSE Media Studies will allow progression to A-level Media Studies or other Level 3 Media courses.

There are many varied and exciting careers which Media Studies can be useful for and you can use the skills gained on this course to prepare you for any of them. If you would like a career in Film and Television Production, Journalism, Public Relations or Advertising, then this may be the course for you.

We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.” Jean Baudrillard

Creative Industries account for 1.68 million jobs in 2012, 5.6 per cent of UK jobs’

Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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