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Religious Education

Qualification GCSE

Course Outline The course prepares students to take up roles within the modern world. It prepares them to consider and evaluate their own beliefs/world views and those of others, promoting respect for all and protection against extremist viewpoints.

Comprises of two areas of study (each split into four sections) over three years and includes visits to places of worship.

Religion and Ethics from a Jewish perspective 

  • Beliefs
  • Marriage and the Family
  • Living the Religious Life
  • Matters of life and Death

Religion, Peace and Conflict from a Christian perspective

  • Beliefs
  • Crime and Punishment
  • Living the Religious Life
  • Peace and Conflict

Skills Required

To be successful you need to:

  • be able to communicate your ideas through writing
  • a willingness to consider other points of view
  • know, understand and evaluate the specification content

Assessment Method

Two final examinations in Year 11 

  • Religion and Ethics from a Jewish perspective (1 hour 45 minutes)
  • Religion, Peace and Conflict from a Christian perspective (1 hour 45 minutes)

Each paper consists of four questions, students must answer all questions.

Post 16 Opportunities and careers

The world of work now requires many people to work with others from different cultures, religious and ethnic backgrounds.

The GCSE offers evidence of these skills. GCSE RS is desired by many national and international companies, social and health care professions, such as doctors/nurses, the armed forces and the hospitality industry.

Successful completion of GCSE Religious Studies will allow progression to A level which is highly thought of by universities and employers as it encourages critical thinking and respect for others.

“The main thing I enjoy about Religious Studies is the debates – I love how we can discuss what is going on in the world. Religious Studies is about real life.” Grace

Both the Police Force and the Armed Services say that RS is one of the most important qualifications to have.

Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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