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Key Stage 3

The intention of the Life Curriculum is for every student to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage and many of the critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face as they grow up and in adulthood. A range of teaching resources and expertise will enable every student to be safe, healthy and build the self-esteem, resilience and empathy to overcome and tackle barriers to learning and raise aspirations ensuring they can realise their potential in a modern and diverse society.

Year 7 

Topics include: 

  • How to manage the transition to secondary school 
  • Identifying future plans and aspirations 
  • Diversity, prejudice and bullying 
  • Puberty and maintaining a healthy lifestyle 
  • Building friendships and relationships 
  • Financial decision-making 

Year 8 

Topics include: 

  • Digital literacy and online-safety 
  • Emotional wellbeing and coping strategies 
  • Identifying future plans and goals and how to prepare for the world of work 
  • Discrimination 
  • Risky behaviour linked to drug and alcohol usage 
  • Gender and sexual identity, including healthy and unhealthy behaviour in relationships 

Year 9 

Topics Include: 

  • Different family types and conflict which may occur 
  • Peer-influence, gangs and alcohol misuse 
  • Goal setting and how this links to the Options process 
  • Healthy habits – including sleep 
  • Sex education – including consent, contraception and risks associated 
  • Employability 

Useful links: 

General advice: 

 Mental Health and Wellbeing 

Substance misuse 


Online safety 

 Key Stage 4 

Year 10 Themes: 

  • Maintaining wellbeing and identifying concerns 
  • Finance education, including risks 
  • Healthy relationships – including spotting unhealthy relationships and pornography 
  • Influence – including gangs, the media and substance misuse 
  • Addressing extremism and radicalisation 
  • Careers and the world of work 

Year 11 Themes: 

  • Maintaining wellbeing, identifying concerns and managing stress 
  • Exploring next steps – looking at FE/apprenticeship providers and finance 
  • Maintaining positive relationships and recognising unhealthy relationships 
  • Managing decision-making in relationships, including contraception and consent  

 Useful links: 

General advice: 

Mental Health and Wellbeing 

 Substance misuse 


Online safety 

Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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