The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
The Extended Project Qualification is an A-level standard, standalone qualification designed to extend and develop students' abilities beyond the A-level syllabus and prepare for university or their future career. The EPQ develops and extends from one or more of the student’s study areas and/or from an area of personal interest or activity outside their main programme of study. It is based on a topic chosen by the student. The AQA EPQ provides an opportunity for students to extend their abilities beyond their sixth form course of study, stand out and prepare for university or their future career. The final project can take one of two formats: a written report or an artefact with written report.
Delivery of the Extended Project Qualification involves some teaching of the necessary skills, supervision and assessment of the student’s progress. It involves extended autonomous work by the student. Students are required, with appropriate supervision, to: choose an area of interest draft a title and aims of the project plan, research and carry out the project deliver a presentation to a non-specialist audience provide evidence of all stages of project development and production for assessment.
It is undertaken from December of Year 12 to December of Year 13 and comes in a variety of forms:
- A 5,000 word essay (the most popular choice of students)
- A production / performance
- An exhibit/event
- A poem or story
- A model or prototype
All students undertaking the EPQ keep a studios log of their research, present their research to a panel and work towards tight deadlines every step of the way. An excellent opportunity to develop key skills in preparation for their careers post-18.
The EPQ’s value: It can be taken as an extension of other Level 3 qualifications or vocational qualifications It is worth half an A-level in terms of UCAS points It is recognised by universities and employers It can lead to lower offers from some universities
The AQA EPQ specification is available here AQA | Projects | Level Three | Level 3 Extended Project Qualification
Overall, a fabulous project to be part of!