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Engineering Curriculum

Year 9


UTC 00058

Year 9 Curriculum Intention

Due to the diverse range of backgrounds, experiences of D&T let alone Engineering our students have had prior to joining SUTC our year 9 curriculum is a foundation year and has been developed to deliver substantive and disciplinary knowledge including key skills, concepts, techniques across the suite of Engineering qualifications. Students will undertake a range of real world ‘Employer Excellence projects’ which link directly to companies or to processes and equipment they use. The intention is developing and forge a desire to understand and engage with the engineered world and to have a strong foundation to build on to undertake Level 2 Engineering.

KS3 Core Curriculum Knowledge Covered

Due to the diverse range of backgrounds and schools our year 9’s come from we use year 9 to build key engineering skills, knowledge and understanding through a range of employer excellence projects. These are linked to the national curriculum of Design, Make, Knowledge and Evaluate with some additions such as investigate, communication, mathematical thinking and science thinking. We do this to bridge any gaps in student prior knowledge and skills, to enable them to excel and engage with KS4 and beyond.

Mutually beneficial curriculum connections

Lots of overlap between Maths and Science, for example the teaching of units of measure in Y10 HT1 is then used practically in Engineering, materials and their properties is in Engineering and Chemistry (periodic table). Electricity and electronics is in engineering and Science. Geometry skills delivered in maths is used in Manufacture, Design and Product Design (A level) We also aid the WVMI curriculum through globalisation, quality standards and the rule of law.

Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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