Personal Development and Leadership

Both Leadership Award and Futures lessons complement and extend the topics explored in Life lessons, giving students more space to truly get to grips with what 'Being Our Best' both means and looks like in and out of school.
Leadership Award
Students in Year 7 have a lesson a week of Leadership Award where they explore the four key values of Lady Lumley's - Learning, Leading, Ambition and Progress. This forms part of the wider Personal Development curriculum. Students are encouraged to demonstrate these core values across every aspect of their life at and beyond Lady Lumley's. Each half term, their teacher collects their booklets and sees what contributions they have been making as part of the Lady Lumley's community (extra curricular clubs, attitudes and behaviours around school, extra reading) and by summer term is able to judge whether students will achieve bronze, silver or gold award in a ceremony in July.
Students in Year 9 have one lesson a fortnight of Futures whereby the explore a range of issues tied in with their futures. This lesson was introduced in response to student feedback and also forms part of the wider Personal Development curriculum. Students explore a range of topics including:
Workplace rights
Understanding tax and payslips
Skills needed in the workplace and how to develop them in school
Understanding the Labour Market
Choosing GCSE Options
Study Skills for assessments