Careers Education at Lady Lumley’s School
Here at Lady Lumley’s School we provide all our students with a wide range of careers provision, from Year 7 through to Year 13. Through our joined-up thinking, we utilise our Personal Development curriculum to cover a range of career-based units of work delivered primarily through the Life curriculum, as well as . This includes identified learning objectives and outcomes, which are achieved through related activities. Alongside this our students have a number of opportunities to experience work-related activities both within the school environment and through external visits.
We employ a work experience coordinator who is based in school on a weekly basis. The work experience coordinator provides our students with one-to-one careers support, advice and guidance. All students will be given interviews with the work experience coordinator during their time here at Lady Lumley’s School. However, they can book extra drop in sessions if they wish.
Careers Guidance Leadership and Management Team
Team |
Name |
Nominated governor with responsibility for oversight of Careers Guidance |
Robert Blundell |
Senior Leadership lead |
Sarah Thompson
Personal Development Lead, Curriculum Leader Life (Careers, PSHE)
Martin Heeley
Careers Adviser
Anna Lowe
Enterprise Coordinator (NYBEP) |
Rachael Smedley
External Providers
Here at Lady Lumley’s School we liaise with a number of external providers, such as NYBEP, local universities and the local employers. However, we are always looking for opportunities to further broaden access to information, advice and guidance. We therefore welcome continued input from both existing and new providers. If you feel you would like to come into school to talk to our students about your service or any upcoming opportunities for our students.
Please access our Provider Access Statement here.
Local Enterprise Coordinator and Advisor Link
Here at Lady Lumley’s School we realise the importance of collaboration, which is why we work in association with The Careers and Enterprise Company. Through this we have a designated Local Enterprise Coordinator and Advisor who work alongside the career co-ordinator in school, helping to ensure we provide effective work and career experiences for our students.
The Careers and Enterprise Company network is made up of Enterprise Coordinators and Enterprise Advisers. Enterprise Coordinators support a group of senior business volunteers, known as Enterprise Advisers, who they match with one of the school or colleges in the network.
Enterprise Advisers use their knowledge of the local business landscape to support the head teacher or careers team to develop an effective careers plan and to create opportunities with their business contacts in the area for their school or college’s students.
Your Careers Entitlement
As a student at Lady Lumley’s School, your careers programme will be based around the government’s Gatsby Benchmarks:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Your careers delivery and content will be delivered through Life lessons, during tutor time as well as working with external providers. The related activities vary across a range of subject areas. These can be seen at the end of this document.
How do we measure the impact of our careers programme?
- Feedback from students, staff, parents/carers and employers as part of the evaluation process
- Post-event feedback forms
- Data overview to see if there has been a change in the progression routes of all students
- Analysis of the Growing Up in North Yorkshire (GUINY) survey
- Review of student destination data
- Students’ feedback following careers meetings
- Analysing year-on-year NEET data
- Is there a link between destination data and KS4 outcomes?
Autumn Term |
Spring Term |
Summer Term |
Year 7 |
Life – skills and aspirations Leadership Award |
Leadership Award CU Talk - University |
NYBEP – Enterprise/Trading event Life – finance Leadership Award |
Year 8 |
Scarborough Science Engineering Week NYBEP Enterprise Event Life – Digital literacy
Life – community and careers |
Year 9 |
Futures |
SLT Interviews about Options process Options Evening
Futures Employer Interviews |
Year 10 |
Life – Post-16 Choices |
Life – Financial Decision Making Employer Interviews (NYBEP) |
Careers Interviews with Careers Advisor Opportunity Knocks (Careers Event – NYBEP)
Year 11 |
Sixth Form Open Evening Sixth-Form Taster event Life - Post-16 Pathways Careers Interviews with Careers Advisor |
SLT Interviews about next steps Careers Interviews with Careers Advisor |
Careers Interviews with Careers Advisor |
Sixth Form |
Careers Interviews with Careers Advisor Personal Statement preparation Y13 External Speakers |
Y12 Visits to Universities Careers Interviews with Careers Advisor |
Careers Interviews with Careers Advisor Preparing for UCAS Y12 |