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  • To ensure each individual reaches their full potential from their various starting points.
  • To foster a love of learning
  • Children display the characteristics of effective learning
  • To ensure children are equipped and confident for the next stage of their learning.

Implementation: (how do we do this?)

  • Working in partnership with parents
  • A carefully designed, progressive curriculum that gives children the skills, knowledge and vocabulary they need for school.
  • A strong emphasis on the prime areas of learning.
  • Creating a culture that encourages and promotes the key characteristics of learning
  • A well-balanced delivery of the curriculum that allows to children to play and follow their own interests, be guided by adults in their play and learn in small groups.
  • High quality interactions with adults that moves learning forward and develops oracy and vocabulary.
  • Child – adult relationships that allow the children to feel safe, secure, nurtured and confident • An enabling environment that promotes exploration and the opportunity to embed learning.
  • Regular discussions with year 1 teachers to ensure learning in EYFS forms the foundations needed for the children to be successful in year 1.
  • Ongoing formative assessment and regular communication between staff to discuss formative assessment, gaps in learning and next steps for children.
  • The delivery of systematic, synthetic phonics to equip children with the skills needed for reading and writing.
  • Ensuring children have access to high quality reading materials, including reading books that match their phonics ability.
  • Bespoke CPD for staff to ensure high quality teaching
  • A language rich environment.
  • Creating purposeful opportunities for regular reading and writing to ensure children ‘see themselves and readers and writers’ 
  • Offering additional and different provision that children that require additional support to access the curriculum including graduated response, IPMS and Accessibility plans

Impact (how will we know)

  • Observations
  • Discussions with parents
  • Smooth transition to year 1
  • Assessment
  • GLD

Long Term Plan - areas of learning

Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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